Inter pub tug of war at the Roundwood Festival. Who will be filling the cup this Sunday evening?
The festivities start with Roundwood Fun Family challenge on Thursday 28th of July at 6:30pm, followed by set dancing in Kavanagh’s Pub. Tickets for the Church concert on Friday 29th are selling well in local outlets. Saturday is the activity day with teddy bears picnic for the kids and hill and historical walks for the adults. The canoe race on the Vartry Reservoir is at 4:30pm on Saturday evening. Sunday’s activities will kick off at 2pm with the Post 21 IUNVA Colour Party and the Parnell Memorial Pipe Band with a full day of events and attractions throughout the village. Please see posters on display locally for further information or check out the Roundwood.ie website or Facebook page.
Will take place in the grounds of Glendalough House on Saturday the 30th of July. The Glendalough Estate provides a fitting location this year with the centenary of the 1916 Rebellion and its associations with the Barton and Childers families. Members of the Roundwood and District Historical and Folklore Society have kindly agreed to guide this walk which will be both informative and scenic. All those attending are requested to meet in the car park at Aras an Tochar at 10:30am (please note change of time) to allow for car-pooling before heading down to Annamoe. There is a charge of €5 for taking part in the walk. This money is used to cover the costs associated with organising the festival
Enter your family scarecrow in the scarecrow competition which will be judged on Roundwood Street Festival Day on Sunday 31st of July. Please phone John on 086-8225705 if you need straw to make your scarecrow. John has some of the 2015 entries in storage. So if you want to remodel your 2015 creation give him a call! Bring your scarecrow into the village on Sunday and display it. Get there early to get a good spot!
The hill walk this year will take on the morning of the 30th of July. The confirmed route is Glendalough, the Spinc, Lugduff to Glenmalure (the route is changed from that previously advertised). The majority of the route is over a marked trail and is approximately 4 hours long. You must pre-register for this walk as numbers are needed for the bus transfer. Please email info@roundwood.ie with the name(s) and a contact phone number to save your place(s) on the walk. Further information on the walk will then be sent to you. There is a cost of €5 for taking part. The money goes towards the funding the organisation costs of the festival. Gerry O’Toole is providing the bus transfer for this hike free of charge – thanks Gerry!
The very popular Roundwood Family Fun Challenge will take place at 6.30pm at Arás and Tóchar on Thursday the 28th of July. This event will kick off the Festival this year and. as always is free! So grab four members of your family (there must be one adult, one male, one female and at least two kids aged 8 or more) and see how you fare on the whacky obstacle course custom designed by Team Janine! Race against another local family to see who will make the grand final. Who will be taking home the perpetual trophy this year? Also on the night there is youth and adult chin up challenge and the adult arm wrestling competition. Come along and join the fun!
Another free event being organised for the kids as part of the Roundwood Festival. Pack up your picnic goodies, bring along the kids and their favourite teddy bear(s) to Aras an Tochar (Roundwood GAA Club) at 10:30am on Saturday 30th of July. Lots of fun and games are guaranteed for teddies & their owners. Parent or guardian must remain with children at all times
A variety concert will take place in the beautiful surroundings of St Laurence O’Toole’s Church on Friday the 29th of July at 7:30pm (door open at 7pm). A fantastic line up of talent including Jack Byrne, Female Barbershop Quartet, Will Fitzpatrick, Brendan Kennedy, McGrath Flood Irish Dancers, Joe McKenna, Bronagh McLaughlin & Special Guests! Light refreshments will served afterwards in Roundwood Parish Hall. Tickets are on sale at €10 for adults (children free when accompanied by an adult) in Roundwood Parish office, Roundwood Veterinary and Roundwood Post Office.
The Annual Pattern Day Walk to Lady’s Well, Ballymanus Upper – on Carrick Mountain will take place on Sunday 14th August at 6 pm, leaving from Moneystown Community Centre. The walk is 5½ miles in total – Wear Good Walking shoes! No Dogs allowed!
The Wicklow Man will play in Moneystown community centre on Friday 12 August from 9.30 pm till 12. Teas served, refreshments also available, door prizes. Come along and enjoy a night of waltzing, jive, linedancing, etc
The Roundwood and District Historical Society’s outing this year is to the Medieval town of Carlingford and the Dundalk History Museum on Sat 13th August. We will depart Roundwood Community Centre at 08.30 by coach and plan to return at about 8 pm. There will be guided tours of the Carlingford ‘old town’ and the Dundalk museum – which has an exciting ”1641 to 1916” exhibition currently running. The cost, including coach hire and both guided tours is €25. Lunch and dinner have also arranged, but are not included in this charge. Anyone is welcome to join us on this exciting tour and if you would like to go on the trip, please phone David (0878363181) or email menzies.david@gmail.com by Friday, 29th July. New members are always welcome to join the society and we would love to see you joining us on the outing
Calary Church will be the venue for Wicklow Proms production of Derby Browne’s “Pigalle” – Édith Piaf and Le Chat Noir – the world of love and loss as reflected in les chansons des rues de Paris. This will be presented by Derby Browne (chanteuse), David Way (clavier) and Derek McKenna (accordéon). Réalisation by George Fleeton. The show will begin at 8 pm on Thursday 28 July. This show recently performed to a sell out crowd at Loughcrew and promises to be a special event. Tickets, which are €25, can be booked by ringing John on (01) 2818146 or emailing derekneilson@eircom.net
Therew ill be a day trip on Saturday 3rd September to St. Mel’s Cathedral and various other places and shopping in Athlone. The cost is .€70 per person and names and money must be in to me before 20thAugust. Scones, tea and dinner and bus included. To book your place please contact Susan on 087 6273032
Learn to make herbal vinegars, mascerated oils, salves, pesto and kimchi, and how to use herbs daily in your diet. Workshop in Roundwood Parish Hall on Thursday 4th August from 7.30 – 9.30. Fee – €50. To secure a place contact Isobel Keeling, Herbalist on 086 8837564
There was no jackpot winner last week. The numbers drawn were 7, 12, 21 & 24. There were twelve match three winners, Gerry Patterson, M. Shelly, Eva Kneofsey, Megan Ward, Ash Cahill, Liam Taylor, A & D Price, Jane Hayes, Edel Kennedy, P.K. Halligan, Jessica Driver & Mary Doyle. Next weeks jackpot will be €19,400.
Roundwood AFC are holding their AGM on Wednesday 27th of July in Parish Hall Roundwood at 8pm. All motions and nominations to be sent to the Club Secretary in writing prior to the AGM. All new members very welcome
There will be set dancing in Roundwood parish hall on Sunday afternoon the 7th August from 4pm to 7-30pm, in aid of Roundwood and large first responders and friends of Wicklow community services. Music by the Avonmore Ceili band. Refreshments served, all welcome
In order to ensure public safety during the soap box derby and street party which forms part of the 2016 Roundwood Festival a road closure permit has been granted by Wicklow Co Council for the section of road from Kavanagh’s Pub to Keeley’s Corner from 4pm on Sunday 31st of July until 4am Monday 1st of August. Diversion signs will be in place. Apologies for an inconvenience caused.
A reminder that the Active Retirement Lunch club will take place on Friday 29th July in Byrne & Woods, Roundwood at 1.30.
The results of the whist are as follows:- Top Score: Pat Fisher; First Lady: Catherine Doyle; Second Lady: Mary Cullen; First Gent: Jimmy Molloy; Second Gent: Margaret Kennedy; First Half: Richie Culllen; Second Half: Tom McHugh; Longest Sitting : Kitty Kennedy & Lowest Score: Shay Brady Raffle prizes werew won by Shay Brady, Tom McHugh & Richie Cullen. Next whist will be on Wednesday 3rd August in The Parish Centre.
A day Pilgrimage to Our Lady Island on Sunday 21st August Leaving Roundwood at 10am. Tea, Scones, Dinner & Bus €60 per person, Money before the 1st August to Susan at 087 6273032
Takes place every Wednesday in the Wicklow Mountains National Park 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Children learn how to identify and appreciate the natural world and is aimed at children aged 5 to 11 years. This is an outdoor programme, and most activities will take place off track. Please dress accordingly. There is a different theme each week as outlined below. Booking is essential. Sessions can fill up extremely quickly. In order to make it fair for all, bookings will be taken from 9 a.m. one week prior to each Nature Explorers day. On Wednesday 3rd August its bugs with bookings taken from Wednesday 27th July, with Flowers on the 10th August with bookings taken from 3rd August, Wednesday 17th August, Badgers with bookings from the 10th August, & finally Birds on the 24th August with bookings taken from the 17th August. To book, please phone 0404 45656 (Mon to Fri). The large National Park sign in the corner of the Upper Lake Car Park, Glendalough is the meeting point every week. Adults and children are welcome. Please note that an adult must stay with their children, and be prepared to help! No dogs. This event is free of charge, but please be aware that the Upper Lake car park (Wicklow Co. Council) has a €4 charge. For further information on the 2016 events programme please seehttp://www.wicklowmountainsnationalpark.ie/documents/Events2016.pdf
The Roundwood Hall is always available for all social events, meetings, children’s parties, christenings, workshops, training courses etc. These great facilities are now available. For more information contact us on 087-9627527 , 087-3932730 or theroundwoodparishhall@gmail.com
Set Dancing continues every Thursday night in Kavanagh’s Lounge from 9pm til 11pm with music this month by the O’Kane family. Come along and join us for a night of good fun, great exercise and a very social night out. Newcomers always welcome and great way to meet some locals. Cost for night of dancing and entertainment is still only €5.
Pilgrimage To Medjugorje October 5th for a week. Places available. Cost € 649.00.which includes flights (Aer Lingus) Insurance half board in house beside Church. Accompanied by Spiritual Director. For more information / booking. Contact Mary King on 087 2185067