Will take place on the 31st of July in Roundwood Village from 2pm til late. The day will start with the usual fun and games in a new location – the field opposite Roundwood NS on the Lough Dan Road.
Now is the time to start working on your scarecrows for the scarecrow competition! If you need straw for your masterpiece please call John on 086 8225705. Then erect your scarecrow inside the fence on Roundwood Street Festival Day. Judging takes place on the day & the winners will be announced that evening. Two Prizes for the Best Scarecrow & the Most Topical!
The Festival raffle tickets which is the main fundraiser for the Festival will be hitting the streets soon. So please support it if you see them. Many thanks to our wonderful local businesses who generously support the festival by making financial donations or by sponsoring raffle prizes. These events could not happen without you! So please shop & socialise local folks and so, in turn, we can support our local businesses!
The Festival is run by volunteers so if you are in a position to help out in distributing raffle tickets, volunteering on the day of the Festival or on the following tidy up day or have any bright ideas to include into the Festival events please email info@roundwood.ie Your input and support will be greatly appreciated.
Fr. Owen will celebrate his last Masses /Ceremonies on Saturday / Sunday 16th & 17th July. Everyone is invited to a reception in the Parish Hall immediately after the 6 pm Vigil Mass on Saturday 16th to wish him well as he leaves to take up his new position in St. Peter’s Parish, Bray.
The Blessing of the Graves in Roundwood Cemetery will take place on Sunday 17th July at 11.30 am. (No Mass) We appeal to all those attending to Not Park any vehicles on the Oldtown Road between Vartry House and the Cemetery. All those who are able to park in the village and walk up are asked to do so, in order to allow room for the less able-bodied Parishioners to be driven to the Cemetery. Thank you
Avonmore Game Club are back again to hold its 10th charity / fundraiser BBQ on Sat 2nd July at Kavanaghs Vartry House food served at 6.30pm sharp. This year again donations will be made to Roundwood Senior Citizens and Roundwood National School. Music in the Garden on the evening. Indoor at 9.30 till late with Jackie Phipps Band. Adults €20.00 kids €7.00 . This is the BBQ that beats all BBQs Vegetarian dish available on the day. So, for great music and craic come along your support will be much appreciated as it’s for the local community for further info 086 8569812 / 086 2572673
Results of the draw held on Sunday 27th June. There was no jackpot winner. The numbers drawn were 6,17,20 & 24. There were seven match three winners, Tom Pierce, Michael Keane x 2, Michael Doyle, Eddie, Grace & Sara & T O’Gorman. Next week’s jackpot will be €18,400.
Next whist on Wednesday June 29th at 8pm in the new parish hall come along and enjoy a night of cards with us.
Jenny’s pre -school Moneystown has a limited number of places left for September 2022 and are now taking enrolments for 2023. Enquiries to jennyspreschoolmoneystown@gmail.com
Is a non-competitive Japanese Martial Art for Flexibility, Coordination, Relaxation and Self Defense. Instructor Joe McHugh 5th Dan Aikido Aikikai. Moneystown Community Hall. Wednesdays 19.30 (Beginners especially Welcome) €5 Unemployed € 8 Employed. For information Contact 086/101 96 68
Country Music Break 23rd-28th of October 2022. 5 nights 6 days music every
night and tours to Achill Island, Galway and Leenane. All in price €499 pp
sharing. €100 extra for Singles. Dinner B&B. Deposit of €200 and names
before 15th July 2022 and remaining money to be paid in full by 15th of August
2022.For further information, Contact Susan at 087 6273032
Roundwood set dancing has resumed on
Thursday nights in the parish hall starting at 9pm. We look forward to
welcoming back our usual dancers and also any new comers if they would like to join us, are always welcome. Admission €5.
45 Card Game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8pm. Teas served. All are welcome.
County Council Mobile Library will be in Roundwood Village on Thursday 30th
June from 10am until 11.15am and also from 2.10pm until 4.30pm. Come along and
join the library. It’s a free service and is a fantastic way to pick up any
book that suits your reading interests.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com