Roundwood Ploughing Society is now holding their annual ploughing match on Saturday the 21st March 2020
Fun Bingo will take place on in the Annamoe Centre on Sunday 8th March, 2020 from 3pm. Family members and friends are more than welcome to attend. €5 per book and great raffle prizes. Come along and enjoy
A reminder that the Active Retirement Lunch club will take place on Friday 28th February in The Roundwood Inn at 1.30. Please let Molly at 0404 45407or May at 0404 45178 know if you are interested in going.
Roundwood Active Retirement is organising a night out to ‘The Priests’ on the 4th April next in the RDS which is in aid of the Peter McVerry Trust. The cost for the bus and ticket will be €50. To book your ticket contact Betty Cullen on 01 2818703, Mary Flanagan on 087 6595381 or Maire Hall on 086 3053412. All monies to be paid before 17th March, 2020.
Learn traditional Irish music and dance with an award-winning Comhaltas branch (guitar, fiddle, flute, tin whistle and grúpa ceoil). Classes are held at 7 pm on Tuesday nights in St. Laurence O’Toole N.S., Roundwood – the second term runs from January to May. Performances, workshops and outings take place throughout the year. For more information phone 086-8269964 or email roundwoodcce@gmail.co
Nancy O Brien and Phil Power took 1st place for North/South on Monday 17th February, 2nd Maria Magee & Judy Skates, 3rd John Loscher & Gaye McGettigan and 4th Rachel Judd & Molly Byrne. 1st place for East/West were Claire O Connor & Clare Sally, 2nd Rowena Brady & Margaret Bolger, 3rd Monica Brady & Catherine McGillycuddy and 4th Seamus Kennedy & Teresa Leahy.
Playing their cards right on Friday for North South were Maria McGee &
Rowena Brady, 2nd Nancy O Brien & Kay Plunkett, 3rd Mollie Byrne & Rachel Judd and 4th Monica Brady & June Digby. 1st for East/west were Bridie Nolan & Maura Gaskin, 2nd Noeleen Redmond & Margaret Bolger, 3rd Ger Lenihan & Paddy O Brien & 4th Kitty Heslin & Miriam Coyle
There will be a pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday 25th April leaving Laragh at 7.45am & Roundwood at 8a.m The cost is €70 per person which includes bus, breakfast & dinner in Tyrrells Pass Castle. All monies to be paid in full before 1st April, 2010 to Susan at 087 6273032
A local group is now actively working to give a helping hand to those displaced in one of the world’s largest humanitarian crisis of our time. The Syrian Civil War has resulted in 11 million displaced Syrians. The Road to Roundwood is a community sponsorship project which will help a family integrate into our community in Roundwood rather than enter direct provision. If you feel you would like to support this project or would like further information please contact Loraine Creane on 089 4576602 or check https://www.roadtoroundwood.ie/
There will be an Irish night in the parish hall on Saturday 14th March for St Patrick’s weekend starting at 7pm. A great night of singing, story telling, ceili and set dancing and lots of music for all the family. Everyone is invited to show off been Irish.
Are you Under 16 and into Athletics, Swimming, Chess or Quiz? Do you
fancy: guaranteed fun, making new friends, showcasing your talents and interests? The 2020 Roundwood Community Games team awaits you!
Call us now and Get in the Games. Athletics: Anne Marah (Athletic
Club 087 286 1781. Swimming: Wilna Mc Kenna 0877718247. Quiz: Joanne
Meagher – 087 938 9894 Chess Karen Byrne 087 234 4687
Badminton continues on Tuesday mornings from 9.30a.m. All are welcome.
Ladies Fitness classes. These are at 7.15pm every Tuesday and Thursday in the parish hall and are open to ladies of all ages and abilities. The classes are five euro drop-in classes. Anyone interested can call me at 0876035780 for more information.
The next whist will be on tonight Wednesday the 26th February in the Parish Centre. All welcome
There was no jackpot winner in last weeks draw. The numbers were 1,9,11 & 12 . There were ten match three winners, Tammy White, Conor Swords, Lubo Glormus, John Davis, John Brady, Tina, Chris & Vin, J.E.T.S., Noelie Kavanagh &. Michael Kavanagh. Next weeks jackpot will be €20,500.
Jenny’s pre -school Moneystown is now enrolling for September 2020 and
2021. Anyone interested in taking up a place can call into the school any morning between 9 and 12 or telephone on 0861705238 or email to jennyspreschoolmoneystown@gmail.com
Roundwood Whizzers Walking Group are back in action meeting at 7pm
this Wednesday at the Coach House car park. All welcome to walk at your own pace for approximately one hour.
Our weekly set dancing sessions continue in Kavanagh’s Lounge on Thursday nights. All are always welcome – whether you have ever or never danced before Session starts at 8.30 til 10.30 and cost is still only €5 for a good night of exercise.
The Roundwood Cancer Support centre is now up and running and is open
in the Parish Centre on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10a.m until 1pm & they are currently looking for volunteers if you could spare some time in your week it would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to pop in for a chat we will be happy to help. If anyone needs to make any enquiries outside these hours please telephone our confidential phone number 087 6062072
A 45 Card Game takes place every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8pm. Teas served. All are welcome
A pilgrimage To Medjugorje will take place on October 7th 2020 for seven days at a cost of €679.00 fully inclusive. There will be a discount of €100 if paid in full by December 13th otherwise €200.00 deposit secures booking. This trip will be accompanied by a Spiritual Director. The accommodation is close to the Church. For more information and booking Contact Mary King on 087 2185067