Monthly Archives: September 2014

Roundwood & District Notes 29th of Sept


Auditions/Workshop for our next production The Ugly Duckling took place on Monday 29th September in the Parish Hall.  Primary School Children  from 7 – 8 pm  (Children must be 8 years old)  and Secondary School Students and Adults from 8 – 10 pm.  Rehearsals/auditions will continue on Monday October 6th.  Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Improve your Irish with Eileen Patterson each Tuesday Aras an Tochar 7.30pm. Fáilte romhat to everyone whether your Irish is strong or weak.


Our 6.30pm Mass on Saturday October 4th will be a special Mass of Remembrance. This Mass is for parents and families of babies who died before birth, at birth or in infancy and those who died in early childhood, youth and young adulthood either recently or in the past. We extend a very warm welcome to all parishioners and as in former years we warmly welcome anybody from outside the parish who wishes to attend.


In a café or in the comfort of your own home, adult conversation class.  Classes are purely conversational and aim at developing oral fluency and aural skills. The course is tailor-made and I choose topics, activities and resources which, I feel, will motivate participants to converse.  Do you travel to France regularly?  Do you need a little help to communicate over there? Do you have friends in the same situation?  Get in touch with me and I would be delighted to set up a tailor-made class to suit your needs.  Native speaker with experience in teaching French. Currently undergoing accreditation by the Alliance Française. Enrolment open, book early, limited spaces. Contact : Lisa, 087-9058656 / Facebook : Bonjour Soleil French


We are delighted to announce that the long-awaited outdoor, hardcore tennis court will be opened on Saturday 11th October at 2pm.  You are invited to the Centre to meet with our coaches from the Jamie StaffordTennis Academy. Children or adults, whether beginners or advanced, who are interested in tennis coaching should come along on the day. For more information please check out or follow Annamoe Centre on Facebook


Monday 22nd September saw Nancy O Brien and Gertie Fee taking 1st place for North/South, Rachel Judd and Molly Byrne were 2nd, Ger Lenihan and Paddy O Brien were 3rd whilst Bridie Nolan Phil Power Margaret Byrne and Triona were joint 4th/5th.   Victors for East/West were Brid Clancy and Catherine McGillycuddy, 2nd Marion Davis and Teresa Leahy, 3rd Monia Brady and Catherine Halligan, 4th Pamela Byrne and Clare Sally and 5th Marie Kavanagh and Anne Kennedy.


Joint 1st/2nd for North/South on Friday 26th September were Monica Brady Kay Plunkett and Molly Byrne and Rachel Judd 3rd Ger Lenihan and Paddy O Brien.    Margaret Bolger and Noeleen Redmond continued their success by taking 1st place for East/West, 2nd on her first  this season Miriam Coyle and  Marion Davis and 3rd Teresa Leahy and Elizabeth Belton.  Gaye, Triona and all the members of both clubs would like to wish Nancy a very speedy recovery and hope to see her back playing with us very soon.


Tuesday morning badminton starts back on Tuesday 7th October at 9.30am. All are welcome. Why not call into the sports centre after dropping the children off at school. Rackets are available so just turn up.


Set dancing in Kavanagh’s lounge every Thursday night with live music for the rest of this month and October with Michael and Brian. Session from 9pm until 11pm. Visitors to the area and beginners are always welcome. If you would like a quick lesson on the steps before the session begins just give Sheila a call on 087 2121522.


As Lady Capt of Djouce, I experienced a very successful Charity event this week in our Club among our Lady Golfers. With 5 visitors, a total of 25 golfers, with sponsors and donations, managed to raise €1050 for Sa Bhaile. Sa Bhaile was established in 2009 to combat homelessness and to offer support and assistance to homeless people in Bray area seeking to secure accommodation.  I would sincerely like to thank all the Djouce Ladies who supported the Charity, their generosity was outstanding and I really value their ongoing support during my year of Captaincy.  Sponsors on the day included: Djouce Golf Club, Wicklow Golf Club, Mermaids Society, Byrne & Woods, Terry Kavanagh Butchers, Grange Kitchen, Sugarloaf Cafe, Joe Synnott Roofing, Bray Vet, My Family & Friends.  Results: 1st Margaret Bolger (14) 35 pts, 2nd Margaret Donnelly (30) 34pts, 3rd Deirdre Carroll (19) 34pts, 4th Valerie Brennan (8) 33pts, 5th Marion Molloy (26) 33pts   Visitors: 1st Fiona Ryan (34) 32 pts 2nd Joyce Dempsey (26) 32 pts  9 Hole  : Adeline Brannigan.  Many Thanks Again to all, Deirdre Carroll, Lady Captain.


The next Parish Hall dance is on the 17th October Music and Entertainment by John Flood. Tea & Scones and raffle prizes lots of craic for all Admission €8.


Juvenile Badminton starting 29th Sept next in GAA complex Roundwood. Opening to all 4th, 5th & 6th class students. Registration Fee €50.00


Roundwood Parish Hall will be holding a Car Boot Sale on Sunday the 12th of October between 12pm-5pm. If interested please contact Jennie on 087-3932730 or


There was no winner of last week’s jackpot. The numbers drawn were 3, 11, 14 & 29. There were ten match three winners. J.R.K.C & Lynne, Krisnen, Ro Lowe, Paul O’Connor, Stephen Curley, Tommy C, Frances Flood, Mary Power, Anne Lowe & Liam.   Next week’s jackpot will be €12,800


Next Whist Wednesday October 1st.


Zumba classes recommence in Roundwood Parish Centre at 7pm every Tuesday night with Adam. If you’re looking for a really fun way to tone up and loose lots of calories, this is the class and it’s amazing the fun you will have working out! Cost €6 per class


If you have any photographs of the Roundwood area, events in the village or involving people from the area that you think would look great in the 2015 calendar we’d be delighted if you would offer them for inclusion in the 2015 Roundwood Calendar. Please email your photos to or call 086 8055040 to arrange collection. The Roundwood 2014 calendar was very well received & was sent to the corners of the world so please help us out by sharing some of your favourites! Many thanks Roundwood & District Community Council


Second Hand Books now on sale in the Parish Hall. All proceeds go towards the Parish Hall Fund. Huge variety available. We will gratefully accept all donations of books to help our cause


The new purpose built Parish Hall in Roundwood is now available for all social events, meetings, parties, christenings, workshops, training courses. These great facilities are now available. For more information contact us on 087-9627527 , 087-3932730 or


Roundwood Home Producers Market continues in Roundwood Parish Hall on Sundays from 12noon – 5p.m every Sunday. Come for your home baking, jams, crafts, vegetables, plants, etc. New members always welcome.


Pilgrimage to Medjugorje October 15th for one week. Cost €619.00. Price includes Aer Lingus flights, insurance, half board accommodation in house opposite the Church and transfers to & from Medjugorje. For more information & booking contact Mary King on 087 2185067


45 card game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8.45pm. Teas served. All welcome.

Roundwood Notes ~ 22nd of September


Auditions/Workshop for our next Show will take place on Monday 29th September in the Parish Hall.  Primary School Children from 7 – 8 pm  (Children must be 8 years old)  and Secondary School Students and Adults from 8 – 10 pm.  Rehearsals will commence on Monday October 6th.  Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Talk on Brian Boru & the Battle of Clontarf .The year 2014 marks a millennium since the death of Brian Boru at battle of clontarf so it is quite fitting that Historian & Academic, Dr Seán Duffy will deliver a talk on Brian Boru & the Battle of Clontarf to the Roundwood Historical & Folklore Society on Mon Sept 29 at 8.30pm at the Old School House, Roundwood.

Dr Seán Duffy is a graduate and a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin, where he has lectured since 1993 and is currently Senior Lecturer in Medieval History in the School of Histories and Humanities. He has published widely on Irish history generally, and medieval Ireland in particular. His primary research interests are currently the history and archaeology of Dublin from the Vikings to the Early Modern period; medieval Irish relations with Wales, Scotland and the Isles; and Anglo-Irish relations, particularly the historiography of the English colony in medieval Ireland


Our 6.30pm Mass on Saturday October 4th will be a special Mass of Remembrance. This Mass is for parents and families of babies who died before birth, at birth or in infancy and those who died in early childhood, youth and young adulthood either recently or in the past. We extend a very warm welcome to all parishioners and as in former years we warmly welcome anybody from outside the parish who wishes to attend.


Family Ceili in Annamoe centre on Friday 26th September starting at 8pm til around 10pm. All are welcome – no need for babysitter as children and adults are all invited. Come along for a bit of fun and Irish craic!


There will be a fundraising cabaret in aid of the Senior Citizens Christmas party in Kavanagh’s lounge on Saturday 27th September. Music by the Roamin Cadillacs. All are welcome.


Victors for North/South on  Monday 15th September were Gertie Fee and Brid Clancy, 2nd Kay Plunkett and Mary Pierce, 3rd Phil Power and Catherine Halligan .  1st for East/West Teresa Leahy and Marion Davis, 2nd Ger Lenihan and Rowena Brady and 3rd Molly and Margaret Byrne.


Taking 1st place on Friday 19th September for North/South were the male pairing of  Ger Lenihan and Paddy O Brien, 2nd were new members Seamus Kennedy and Kitty Heslin and 3rd place went to Liz Belton and Marion Davis.   Margaret Bolger and Noeleen Redmond got back to their winning ways by taking 1st for East /West over Teresa Leahy and Monica Brady and Rowena Brady and Maria Magee who were 3rd.


Tuesday morning badminton starts back on Tuesday 7th October at 9.30am. All are welcome. Why not call into the sports centre after dropping the children off at school. Rackets are available so just turn up.


Set dancing in Kavanagh’s lounge every Thursday night with live music for the rest of this month and October with Michael and Brian. Session from 9pm until 11pm. Visitors to the area and beginners are always welcome. If you would like a quick lesson on the steps before the session begins just give Sheila a call on 087 2121522.


The text alert scheme will be up and running very soon. The scheme is a modern form of community alert using text messaging to your mobile phone. If your completed form has not been collected please call or drop it into your area contact. If you have not received any information or forms on the scheme please call 087 9040470 for further information.


There was no winner of last week’s jackpot. The numbers drawn were 1,9,10 & 16. There were nine match three winners. T.Foot, Joe McCabe, Betty Cahill, Sinead Jackson, T Leahy, S.F.R., Noel Kavanagh, Dec Murphy and Justine.   Next week’s jackpot will be €12,500


Results of Whist Sept 17th. First Gent Jimmy Molloy, First Lady Maureen Gaffney, Second Gent Ann Pierce, Second Lady Patricia Byrne, First Half Ritchie Cullen , Second Half Tom McHugh, Lowest Score, Kay Plunkett, Longest Sitting, Mary Cullen. Raffle, Tom McHugh, Maureen Gaffney, Ann Pierce, Jimmy Molloy and Maura McHugh. Next Whist Wednesday October 1st.


Zumba classes recommence in Roundwood Parish Centre at 7pm every Tuesday night with Adam. If you’re looking for a really fun way to tone up and loose lots of calories, this is the class and it’s amazing the fun you will have working out! Cost €6 per class


Roundwood & District Community Council in association with Kildare Wicklow Education and Training Board are organising an 8 week flower arranging course starting in Roundwood in late September. If you are interested in taking part please call 086 8055040 for further information.


If you have any photographs of the Roundwood area, events in the village or involving people from the area that you think would look great in the 2015 calendar we’d be delighted if you would offer them for inclusion in the 2015 Roundwood Calendar. Please email your photos to or call 086 8055040 to arrange collection. The Roundwood 2014 calendar was very well received & was sent to the corners of the world so please help us out by sharing some of your favourites! Many thanks, Roundwood & District Community Council


Second Hand Books now on sale in the Parish Hall. All proceeds go towards the Parish Hall Fund. Huge variety available. We will gratefully accept all donations of books to help our cause


The new purpose built Parish Hall in Roundwood is now available for all social events, meetings, parties, christenings, workshops, training courses. These great facilities are now available. For more information contact us on 087-9627527 , 087-3932730 or


Roundwood Home Producers Market continues in Roundwood Parish Hall on Sundays from 12noon – 5p.m every Sunday. Come for your home baking, jams, crafts, vegetables, plants, etc. New members always welcome.


Pilgrimage to Medjugorje October 15th for one week. Cost €619.00. Price includes Aer Lingus flights, insurance, half Board accommodation in house opposite the Church and transfers to & from Medjugorje. For more information & booking contact Mary King on 087 2185067


45 card game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8.45pm. Teas served. All welcome.




Stop Food Waste Campaign

Wicklow Co Council’s Environmental Awareness Office are looking for 10 to 12 families from the Roundwood area to take on this challenge! If you are up for it please email If we get enough volunteer households we’ll give it a go & we might save yourselves a few bob!

The EPA funded Stop Food Waste Campaign have developed a four part programme which they call the Stop Food Waste Challenge to address the issue of food waste in Irish households. The challenge was tested in two towns over the last year and well received by participants and is now being rolled out nationwide. The challenge involves ten to twelve families meeting together over a series of four meeting to look at food waste, measure how much their families are producing and take steps to reduce the amount of food waste. Each meeting should be no longer than 40 minutes to an hour.  The four meeting cover the following themes.

Week 1: Getting to know your food waste which looks at how much food waste we produce, how much it costs and the environmental impacts of food waste.

Week 2: Planning meals and shopping addressing how good planning and shop can prevent excessive purchasing of food by planning ahead.

Week 3: Storage, Serving and Reuse look at how storage of food can help to prevent waste, measuring how much we serve prevents leftover and how we can reuse leftovers in the preparation of other dishes.

Week 4: An overall assessment by the group with the sharing of information on what worked well for participants. Home composting is an option for this meeting also.