Results of the draw held on Sunday 28th August. There was no jackpot winner. The numbers drawn were 4, 21, 25 & 29. There were four match three winners, Karen Byrne, Mick Timmons, Liz Kenny & Emma Biero. Next week’s jackpot will be €20,800.
In September, there are 2 concerts: On Thursday 15 September, Dianne Marshall (harp), Mia Cooper and Lidia Jewloszewicz-Clarke (violins), Beth McNinch (viola) and Katie Tertell (cello) from Musici Ireland will play pieces by Jessie Montgomery, Siobhan Cleary, Arnold Bax, Rebecca Clarke, Valentin Silvestrov and Andre Caplet.
On Culture Night – Friday 23 September – Annette Cleary (cello), David O’Doherty (violin) and John Feeley (guitar) will play the Trio for violin, cello and guitar Opus 18 No. 1 by Francois De Fossa and the Terzetto for violin, cello and guitar by Niccolo Paganini.
For more information or to book tickets, which are €18 and €15 for concessions, please ring John at (01) 2818146 or email derekneilson11@gmail.com. Both concerts begin at 8 pm.
We are back at the parish hall from September 5th 7.30-9.30pm for table tennis. We will be having an ‘open night ‘on the 5th for new members to try out for the night ……all levels catered for. A fun way to keep fit. €5 per night. Contact Brian Higgins 085 1185635
Roundwood AFC are having their AGM on Monday 12th September in the clubhouse, Varty Grounds at 8pm. All motions and nominations to be sent to the Club Secretary, Ken Greene, Roundwood AFC, Vartry Grounds, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow in writing prior to the AGM. All new members are very welcome.
Roundwood and District Men’s Shed: The Shed continues to meet on Tuesdays from 10 to 12 at Pat Carr’s place in Knockraheen. We listen and care and share and tell stories to beat the band. There is always a supply of calorie free cake and biscuits and there is no ration on the tea bags. Recently we engaged in a series of breathing and physical gentle exercises and the members really enjoyed the activity. We plan to have a further series of gentle exercises beginning in early September so watch this space for further details. We are also planning to plant some more native Irish trees along the Vartry Trail so new blood is badly needed to dig the holes and erect stakes and protective wire to protect the saplings. Some of us are still in recovery mode from the ‘gentle exercises’. 086 8650588 for any further information .The mobile number is a reminder that we are regularly helping each other in the Shed on how to use the mobile devices which have changed the world. There may be someone out there who would be willing to come along and give us a bit of guidance. With so much activity ‘online’ at the moment most of us would be lost without a little help. We engaged in ’one to one’ tuition with transition year students in the past and we plan to explore this possibility again in September when the schools reopen.
Results of Whist held Wednesday August 24th. Top Score: Margaret Kennedy, First Gent: Richie Cullen, Second Gent: Martin Byrne, First Lady: Monica Brady, Second Lady: Patrica Byrne & Mollie Byrne (shared), First Half: Kay Plunkett, Second Half: Jimmy Molloy, Longest Sitting: Anne Wolohan, Lowest Score: Tiny Shortt & May Kenna (shared). Raffle prizes won by Monica Brady, Kay Plunkett, Patrica Byrne, Mollie Byrne, Anne Wolohan & Martin Byrne Next Whist will be held on Wednesday September 1st at 8pm in the new parish hall come along and enjoy a night of cards with us.
Shamanic Drumming Circle, 7-9pm, at Turquoise Café, A98 W5C3. First Thursday of every month. A shamanic drumming circle is a place to come with friends, catch up over a cuppa and then connect in an authentic way. This is a particular type of drumming, using a shamanic drum. A steady 4-7 beats per second, will induce theta brain waves to enable us to journey into non ordinary states to retrieve healing, insights and wisdom for ourselves and our community. All welcome, no experience in shamanic journeying or drumming is necessary. If you have a shamanic drum I welcome you to bring it along. You would need to bring a pillow and blanket. This is a non profit event, costs are to cover venue and refreshments. If you would like to know more about shamanic drumming, or if have any questions, just drop Fiona a line on safehaventranspersonal@gmail.com or give a buzz on 087 2989801.
Roundwood set dancing has resumed on Thursday nights in the parish hall starting at 9pm. We look forward to welcoming back our usual dancers and also any new comers if they would like to join us, are always welcome. Admission €5.
45 Card Game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8pm. Teas served. All are welcome.
Wicklow County Council Mobile Library will be in Roundwood Village on Thursday 8th September from 10am until 11.15am and also from 2.10pm until 4.30pm. Come along and join the library. It’s a free service and is a fantastic way to pick up any book that suits your reading interests.
The next active retirement bingo will be held on Sunday 18th September at 3pm in the Annamoe Centre. All welcome
The new season starts weekly from Tuesday 6th September at 8 pm in the Annamoe Centre. New members are always welcome. A great way to meet new people and participate in leagues.
A firm favourite. Great stories, poems and music followed by tea and scones and a raffle. Friday 16th September in the Centre at 8 pm. All welcome to listen or join in with their own stories etc.
The tennis court is available to rent for singles play at €5 and doubles play at €8 per hour. Saturday between 2 and 5 pm is reserved for adult players wishing to join a group. Bookings and enquiries by text to 086 805 7431.
Available at the Centre www.rosaleendurkin.com or 087 219 5931.Nutritional and Educational Kinesiology for children and adults. Assists with: digestive issues, skin conditions, low energy levels, sleeping issues, anxiety and stress management, AD/HD and dyslexia.
Available at the Centre – Louis 087 915 8180. Occupational and sports injury treatment, sports massage and dry needling.
Our sports hall has available slots for use from September for keep fit, yoga, dance etc. There is one office with broadband (suitable for remote working 1 person) and two available meeting rooms which can also be hired on an hourly basis. Enquiries to: annamoecentre@gmail.com New committee members most welcome.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com