Local theatre maker Cliona O’Connell, and Aughrim based actress Andrea Kelly would love to talk to people in the area who have local knowledge or stories about the playwright J.M Synge, the Synge family and their connection to the Roundwood area. If you have any stories we would love to hear from you. You can email projectsynge@gmail.com , or give us a call/text on 087 4673858 and we will get back to you. Any information you have, no matter how small, is very welcome. We are currently working on the development of a new theatre project sited in the county, re-imagining Synge’s life, work and connection to Wicklow. This project is funded under the Wicklow Artist Award Scheme 2020.
Woodenbridge golf club has informed us as from 29th June the club is open for societies to play. We are going ahead with our President Tim Cronin’s golf outing on Sunday the 5th July. Restrictions will be in place, (at present it’s one person per buggy). The cost of outing is €40 golf only. The Clubhouse will be open for food. Tee times 11am to 1pm, to book a tee time call me on 087 2111061 or email me by Thursday 25th June .We need numbers early so we can work with Woodenbridge golf club on their restrictions i.e. Dressing rooms, showers score cards etc. Your captain Willie Kenna
We are starting work on the 2020 Roundwood & District Historical and Folklore Society Journal, and we are putting the call out for articles, short topical items that are of interest to the whole community. Ideally about 1000 words long, deadline for submission to us at roundwoodhistorical@gmail.com by Friday the 10th July 2020.
Just a reminder on the options for ordering your prescription medicines (preferably 48 hours in advance) 1: WhatsApp: TEXT ONLY SERVICE to 087 360 5997. 2: At the pharmacy (our health screen is still in place) 3: Phone 01 201 2946 (phone line can be very busy) 4.Via our website. If you are in the at-risk and vulnerable group we can offer you free delivery for your prescription medicines via our free Pharmacy Home Link service.
The walking trail on the top of the Upper Reservoir Dam is now reserved for vulnerable users and those aged 70+. All other folk are asked to please take the lower trail along the tree line which runs parallel. Thank you for your cooperation.
While services at Calary Church of Ireland cannot take place during the current crisis, the priest in charge – Reverend Niall Stratford – is doing services on YouTube each Sunday. The link to view each Sunday’s service is Newcastle, newtownmountkennedy with Calary To find the link, the spelling, spacing and comma is exactly as typed.
A pilgrimage to Medjugorje will take place on October 7th 2020 for seven days at a cost of €679.00 fully inclusive. €200.00 deposit secures booking. This trip will be accompanied by a Spiritual Director. The accommodation is close to the Church. For more information and booking Contact Mary King on 087 2185067.
Roundwood Garda Station Garda – Mick O’Rourke, Roundwood Pharmacy – Jonathan & John, Sugar Mountain Café – Janette, Centra – Gabriel & Joanne, Grants Butchers – Keith, Roundwood Post Office – Malik, Keeleys Hardware – Moe. Services for Senior Citizens and High Risk Persons you ring (087) 1329420 and we organise delivery of your medicines (order must be placed first with Pharmacy) takeaway dinners, shopping, meat/fish/veg, pension collection (authorisation form to be signed pre collection), firing heating gas etc. Feel free to call us to discuss how we can assist you. The number again is (087) 1329420.
Jenny’s Pre-school Moneystown: is now enrolling for September 2020 and 2021 anyone interested contact the school on 0861705238 or email Jennyspreschoolmoneystown@gmail.com
The Wicklow County Council Covid Community Response Forum has developed a free helpline for vulnerable members of the community from 8am – 8pm 7days per week. Call 1800 868 399 or email CovidSupport@wicklowcoco.ie
The lotto has been suspended for the moment.
The Roundwood Cancer Support centre is closed to the public for the moment. If anyone needs to make any enquiries please telephone our confidential phone number 087 6062072.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com.