Roundwood News ~ 9th of March


Moneystown National School parents committee are holding their annual cake sale and coffee morning in aid of Moneystown National School on Friday 27th March from 9a.m. To 1.30pm in Moneystown Community Centre. All are welcome.


There will be a Concert in Roundwood Parish Centre on March 28th at 7.30 pm to raise funds for Tiglin Centre, Ashford.  Unity Gospel Choir will be performing on the night and tea, coffee and treats will be provided with some great prizes to be won in the raffle.  This promises to be an uplifting evenings entertainment, supporting a fabulous local charity.  Don’t miss it !  Tickets are €10 and are available at the door or can be booked in advance by contacting: Deirdre  086 8945899 or Una  087 7746113.


The Roundwood and District Community Council are registered to administer the senior alert scheme which provides grants to elderly people towards the provision of personal alarms. The personal alarm offers reassurance to allow independent living, safe in the knowledge that you can quickly be in contact with a family member or neighbour in the event of an emergency. It provides security and peace of mind. If you would like more information please contact Monica on 086 8055040


Moneystown community centre will hold its AGM on 11 March at 8.30 pm in the community centre.  All are welcome.


Roundwood Humpty Dumpty Playgroup is on every Wednesday from10 til 11.30am in Parish Hall.  Enjoy a cup of tea and a chat with other parents and carers while the wee ones play! There’s even a little singalong at the end!  €2 for Cuidiú members or €3.50 for non-members  All are welcome.


Annamoe tennis court is available for use click on to Jamie Stafford website to book for coaching  or you can hire by the hour. It is €5 for two hours and €8 Euro for four you can contact 086 8188499 or 087 6191500. The Story Telling will take place on Friday the 13th March at 8 o’clock.


Roundwood AFC are celebrating their 40th anniversary with a dinner dance at the Parkview hotel, Newtownmountkennedy on the 12th June at 7.30pm. Music by: Just Us and DJ till late. Tickets are €20 for three course meal. Please contact Jason Walsh for tickets at 086 3841027


Do you need someone to talk to?  Do you want help in making changes in your life?  For counselling and psychotherapy contact Margaret Gaskin M.I.A.C.P at 086 1638042 for further information.


A reminder that the Active Retirement Lunch club will take place on Friday 20th March in Lynham’s of Laragh.


You are invited to an evening of fashion and fun with some familiar faces modelling on the night!! Wine and nibbles & goody bags for everyone. Fantastic raffle and lots more on Thursday 19th March in Fishers Newtown at 7.30pm. Tickets are €15 and all proceeds go towards the Roundwood National School building fund. Book your ticket now by contacting 087 2857015


The Annual County Ploughing Dinner Dance will take place again this year on Saturday the 14th of March in the Grand Hotel, Wicklow.  Music by Catherine and Jimmy, Images.  This has proved to be a very enjoyable night over the years and if you wish to go along tickets €30 can be purchased from John Byrne at 086 0613025.  We would like to apologise for error in last week’s ploughing match results.  The Cup won outright by Willy Byrne was the Bertie Moran Memorial Trophy and not the Paddy Pierce Memorial Trophy as stated.  No harm done though still waiting for it to be filled!!!!


On Monday 2nd March Phil Power and Monica Brady played their cards right to take 1st place for North/South, 2nd Molly Byrne and Rachel Judd and joint 3rd/4th Seamus Kennedy and Pat Rushe and Barbara Donnelly and Gaye McGettigan.  Victors for East/West were Brid Clancy and Gertie Fee, 2nd Bridie Nolan and Catherine Halligan, 3rd Marian Davis and Teresa Leahy and joint 4th/5th Kay Plunkett and Margaret Byrne and Pamela and Margaret Byrne.


Catherine McGillycuddy and Nancy O Brien were 1st for North/South on Friday 6th March, Molly Byrne and Rachel Judd were 2nd, 3rd place went to Ger Lenihan and Paddy O Brien and 4th Maria Magee and Rowena Brady.  Margaret Bolger and Noeleen Redmond  had a resounding win for East/West over Miriam  Coyle and Triona Woodroofe while 3rd place went to Jane Cronin and Gertie Fee and 4th went to Bridie Nolan and Maura Gaskin.


TheRoundwood and District Community Text Alert is now up and running and over 360 local people have joined the scheme alerting them to potential criminal activity in the area. A number of texts have been issued since the scheme started and we would like to thank people for their vigilance. If anyone has not yet joined the scheme but would still like to, please contact Derek at 086 8319457 or Gwyn at 087 9040470.


Roundwood Parish Hall will be holding a Car Boot Sale & Book Fair on Sunday the 22nd of March between 10pm-4pm. If interested please contact Jennie on 087-3932730or


Come along to Roundwood Parish Hall on St Patricks Night at 8.30pm for a night of music and dancing to help celebrate 21 years since our visit to Seattle. Refreshments provided should be a great night for all.


There was no jackpot winner in last week’s draw. Numbers drawn were 8, 11, 29 & 30. There were three match three winners, Ann Nolan, Barry & Nikki & Mary Meldon. Next week’s jackpot will be €6,800


The results of the whist is as follows:- Top Score: Kitty Kennedy; Top Gent: Ann Pierce; Second Gent: Pat Fisher; Top Lady: Patricia Byrne; Second Lady: Molly Byrne; First Half: Lucy Molloy; Second Half: Martin Byrne; Lowest Score: May Kenna & Longest Sitting: Monica Brady.  Raffle prizes were won by Monica Brady, Jimmy Molloy& Pat Fisher. The next whist will be on Wednesday 18th March.


Kilmacanogue History Society presents Wicklow Hedge Schools by Tommy O’Rourke in the Glenview  Hotel,  Glen of the Downs at 8.30PM  on  Tuesday  7th April.  In his illustrated talk, Tommy will present a history of Wicklow Hedge Schools from the enactment of the Penal Laws in 1695 to the 1831 Commission of Education.  The talk will provide an interesting portrayal of the harsh conditions that existed for both teachers and pupils in these Hedge Schools.  The books and manuscripts that were used in the Hedge Schools will be highlighted, together with other sources such as maps, official documents and images.  A selection of Hedge Schools (including many local schools) will be presented in detail.  Tommy O’Rourke has been a member of the Kilmacanogue History Society for a number of years.  He became interested in Hedge Schools when asked to write a book on his native school at Augharan, County Leitrim in 2012. Tommy’s latest book  ‘The Hedge Schools of Wicklow’  is due for publication in the coming weeks.  A great opportunity to learn more about Hedge Schools – please try to attend!  Entry €3 (€2 for members) – all welcome  Website:


A five day escorted trip to Scotland will take place on 16th July 2015. It will be four nights half board to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Lock Lomond, The Lake District, Windermere with an all-in price of €579 per person. A deposit of €200 should be paid as soon as possible to secure your seat as this will be a popular tour not later than the 1st March Pick up will be in Kilmacanogue. Later in September on the 11th a ten day tour of India’s Golden Triangle will take place for a price of €1, 129 per person. More details later. There will also be day trips including Knock on the 23rd May leaving Laragh at 7.45a.m. and 8pm in Roundwood. Please note change in time and fare. This year the cost is €55 per person including breakfast, dinner and transport. All money to be paid before 1st May, 2015 to be sure of a seat. There will be a day trip cruise on the Shannon on 4th July departing Roundwood at 8.30a.m. This includes a cruise on the River Queen and then to Athlone Castle and shopping. Dinner, tea and scones for a price of €65. Names and money before 1st May and finally a day trip to the Boyne valley on the 8th August leaving Roundwood at 8.30a.m. After a visit to 18th entry Oldbridge House and all the Boyne has to offer we travel to Drogheda. Dinner, tea & scones for €65 per person. All names and money before 1st May. For further information on any of these trips contact Susan on 0404 45276 after 6pm.


Pilgrimage to Medjugorje September 30th 2015 for a week Cost €689.00 which includes flights Insurance Half Board Accommodation in house beside Church and transfers to and from Medjugorje. For more information/ booking contact Mary King on 087 2185067


Welcome back to our weekly Thursday night sessions from 9pm until 11pm in Kavanaghs lounge – Michael and Brian will be playing until March  For any enquiries phone 087 2121522. This could be your New Year resolution to get fit. Visitors to the area and beginners are always welcome. If you would like a quick lesson on the steps before the session begins just give Sheila a call on 087 2121522.


Angel Healing takes place every Monday night at 7.30 in the Parish Centre, Roundwood Village. It is non-denominational. Come along, to a night of Meditation, Relaxation and Spiritual connection. For more information contact Mary 087 9819420


Second Hand Books now on sale in the Parish Hall. All proceeds go towards the Parish Hall Fund. Huge variety available. We will gratefully accept all donations of books to help our cause


The new purpose built Parish Hall in Roundwood is now available for all social events, meetings, parties, christenings, workshops, training courses. These great facilities are now available. For more information contact us on 087-9627527 , 087-3932730 or


45 card game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8.45pm. Teas served. All welcome.



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