Roundwood Notes Week 23rd September 2018


Roundwood Variety Group would like to invite teen/adults to audition/workshop for upcoming pantomime on 1st 2nd 3rd February 2019on Thursday 27th September in Roundwood Parish Centre from 8pm to 10pm..  Enquiries to Edel 0872285991



Roundwood Cancer Support Group has recently held two fundraisers. We would like to thank all those who supported our night in Shelbourne Park, for those who organised the raffle & donated prizes & a big thank you to Eugene Shortt & his helpers who organised this event which turned out to be a great night & raised €5,000 for the group which is a fantastic amount.  We also held a table quiz which was  real fun night & raised €735 & thank you to all who came along and especially to Paddy O’Brien who set the questions & all his helpers.  We have now secured two rooms in The Parish Centre thanks to the Parish Hall committee which we are very grateful for.  They are in the process of being painted & we’ve purchased blinds for the windows. We hope to be up & running in our centre in approximately six weeks. Thanks again for your support.


Margaret Bolger took 1st place on Monday 17th this time with partner Ger Lenihan  for North/South, 2nd Margaret Byrne and Triona Woodroofe, 3rd Rowena Brady and Gaye McGettigan and 4th Monica Brady and Bridie Nolan.   Judy Skates and Maria Magee played their cards right to take 1st for East/West, 2nd Teresa Leahy and Marian Davies, 3rd Catherine Halligan and Phil Power and 4th Maura Gaskin and Kay Plunkett.



A reminder that the Active Retirement Lunch club will take place on Friday 19thOctober in The Coach House Roundwood at 1.30.



Fun Bingo will take place on in the Annamoe Centre on Sunday 7th October from 3pm.  Family members and friends are more than welcome to attend.  €5 per book and great raffle prizes.  Come along and enjoy



Kay Plunkett and Teresa Leahy stormed in to 1st place for North/South on Friday 21st, Ger Lenihan and regular partner Paddy O Brien were 2nd and 3rd place went to Catherine McGillycuddy and Nancy O Brien.      Noeleen Redmond and Margaret Bolger took 1st place once again for East/West, 2nd Maria McGee and Rowena Brady and 3rd place Phil Kenna and Liz Belton



Set dancing in Kavanagh’s every Thursday night from 9 until 11pm . Music for September will be by the O’Kane family. If there is enough interest we will start jiving lessons again this season. Watch this space



Our Annual Mass of Remembrance will be on Saturday 6th October at 6.00 p.m in Roundwood Church.  This special Mass will be for the parents and families of babies who died before birth, at birth, or in infancy, and for those who died in early childhood, youth and young adulthood either in recent years or in the past. We extend a very warm welcome to all parents, families, relatives and friends who have suffered such a loss


Traditional Irish music classes will start back in Roundwood National School on Tuesday nights at the end of September.  New members are very welcome.  We are also looking for new teachers.  For more information, please contact



The monthly car boot sale will take place in Roundwood Parish Centre on next Sunday 13th October from 12 noon to 4pm.  It is proposed to have our  November car boot sales on the second Sunday of the month on the 10th November.


The final concert in the Music in Calary 2018 series will take place in Calary Church at 8 pm on Friday 5 October when Musici Ireland will play Johann Stamitz’s Bassoon Quartet No 5 in Bb major, Beethoven’s String Trio in C Minor Op 9 No 3, Franz Danzi’s Bassoon Quartet Op 40 no 3 in Bb and Mozart’s Bassoon Quartet in Bb.  Tickets for the concert are €18 and €15 for concessions and, for further information or to book tickets, please ring John at (01) 2818146 or email


Rebecca Delamere will be teaching group Maths lessons on a weekly basis in Roundwood for first year students.  Class sizes will be very small.  These lessons provide support for students who may be struggling with Maths or students who are aiming for high grades and also prepare students for their Maths exams. To reserve a space or for further information, please contact Rebecca on 086 0650129 or



There will be a music weekend in Donegal from the 2nd to the 4th November  This will be a three day coach tour at a price of €289 per person sharing.  The price includes the bus from Roundwood to Donegal and back to Roundwood, two nights dinner, bed and breadfast in 4 star Clonee Hotel, Letterkenny with music nightly with Lisa McHugh, Derek Ryan and Gerry Guthrie.  A depost of €100 is required before the 25th September.  Names to Susan at 087 6273032 and remainder of money to be paid before 15th October.  The bus will leave at 8.30a.m from Roundwood.



Roundwood Whizzers Walking Group are back in action meeting at 7pm every Wednesday at the Coach House car park.  All welcome to walk at your own pace for approximately one hour.  In association with GET IRELAND WALKING the Roundwood Whizzers Walking Group are participating in the National Community Walking Day on Sunday 30th of September as part of European Week of Sport 2018! Our walk will start from outside the Roundwood Parish Hall at 2pm for approximately 6km on the Vartry Reservoir Trails. All welcome.


Angel Healing and Angelic Guidance is back tomorrow evening Monday the 3rd of September in the Parish Hall Roundwood at 7.30 sharp. So if you would enjoy an evening of peace relaxation and hands on energy healing join us for a wonderful new experience.


Thanks to the people for supporting the recent 45 card game held on Sunday 16th September in aid of the Mustard Seed Communities.  The amount raised on the night was €300.


Next Roundwood Parish Hall Dance Friday26th October with music by Jimmy Hogan.



The next Whist is this Wednesday 26th September in The Parish Centre, Roundwood.



There was no jackpot winner in last weeks draw.  The numbers drawn were 4, 9, 21 & 23. There were nine match three winners Mary Vickers, B. Lawless, Sharon & Joe, Ciaran McKenna, Dawn Furlong, Jim Carr, Martha Hill, Kym Turner & D. Keane Next weeks jackpot will be €20,500 The lotto celebrates 25 years in existence this year and to celebrate this there will be a €3,000 jackpot for match three win or share on Sunday the 14th October.



Roundwood Home Producers Market is open from 12  noon till 5pm every Sunday in The Parish Centre. Come for your home baking, crafts, plants, vegetables and more.  New members always welcome or 087 2506785



Adult ceili dancing classes are held every Wednesday night in the parish hall from 8 to 9pm. Learn to solo dance and also group dances under the tuition of Aoife, Cian and Eimear and have great fun learning.



Alex Grey, PSquared Performance, is on hand to guide you through your fitness programme in the An Tóchar Fitness Centre.  Call up or ring Alex to join any of the classes or to discuss personal training.



A 45 Card Game takes place every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at a new time of 8.30 pm for the summer months  Teas served. All are welcome.

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