Roundwood Notes December 22nd


Roundwood Variety Group is holding “The Big Fat Table Quiz of the Year 2014” upstairs in An Tochar G.A.A. complex on Monday 29th December starting at 8pm.  It will be a table quiz with a difference with all the questions based on events of 2014.  There will be games and spot prizes on the night followed by music and craic.  A great night’s fun, not to be missed. See  website for details.


Roundwood and District Community Text Alert is now up and running and already 3 texts have been sent to the over 300 local people who have joined the scheme alerting them to potential criminal activity. The official launch of the scheme and signage will take place shortly. People living in the area can still join the scheme by contacting Derek at 086 8319457 or Gwyn at 087 9040470.


Roundwood Home Producers Market would like to wish all their customers a very happy Christmas and would like to thank them for all their support during the year.  The Market will re-open on Sunday 29th March, 2015.


Roundwood Variety Group is looking for any business or person who would like to become a sponsor for their upcoming musical “Honk The Ugly Duckling”. This year the tickets for the show will be booked on line and then printed off. There is space for two to three sponsors on the ticket which will circulate through 1,000 to 1,200 people. For this sponsorship you will also get a full page advertisement in our programme. Contact me, Mary Margaret on 086 8287858 if you are interested in getting involved or email before 28th December.


Roundwood Variety Group is delighted to announce that they will be selling vouchers for their upcoming musical The Ugly Duckling which will take place from Thursday 29th January to Sunday 1st February.  Vouchers can be bought for Christmas presents and then exchanged for tickets when they go on sale in early January.  To purchase your voucher please ring 086 8287858.


Our annual biathlon will take place on Saturday 27th December at 2pm with refreshments and music afterwards in Kavanaghs. A great event for all ages and all levels of fitness that will help blow away the cobwebs of the Christmas.  5 mile cycle/2mile run in aid of Cancer & Leukaemia Research. For more information please contact Ellen at 0868343286, Louise 0862525860 or Noel at 012818249


Our new year’s dance takes place on Fri 9th January with music by John Flood.


The Roundwood Calendar 2015 is on sale in local shops and pubs. The calendar features fantastic scenery of the area and also shots of local events, people and activities. It will make a great gift for friends and family both home and away


A trip to the shrines of France will take place from 11th to 18th April, 2015 for seven nights, visiting Lourdes, Rocamadour, Nevers, Paris and Lisieux.  The total cost is €799 per person sharing.  Details are in the church porch.  Deposit of €200 should be paid as soon as possible and the balance of the oney before 1st February, 2015.  For more details please contact Susan O’Neill a t 0404 45276 after 8pm.


Carol Singing for Temple Street Children’s Hospital on Christmas Morning before the 10 am Moneystown and 11.30 am RoundwoodMass.  Please come along early and feel free to join in!  As always your generous support for this worthy cause will be very much appreciated.


Under 30s v Over 30s Soccer match in aid of the Jack & Jill Foundation will take place on the Enniskerry astro pitch, on Tuesday 30th December at 1.30pm.  Presentation at 5pm sharp in Kavanaghs Pub, Roundwood. Music and entertainment by Little Apples at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome, come along and have some fun! Under 30s coach – Shane Langrell   Over 30s coach – Luke Ferguson.  Come along and support this great cause!  Thank to our main sponsor J.J Jewellers, Wicklow town.


Pilgrimage to Medjugorje September 30th 2015 for a week Cost €689.00 which includes flights Insurance Half Board Accommodation in house beside Church and transfers to and from Medjugorje.. Offers for early booking €150.00 off if paid in full by Dec10th  €100.00 off if paid by Feb 2nd €50.00 off if deposit paid by Feb 2nd. For more information/ booking contact Mary King on 087 2185067


Another year of Community Games is about to begin. We have a small hard working committee in Roundwood   We are appealing for extra help in order to enter the full  range of events that the Community Games offer. We are looking for people who are interested in chess, draughts, singing, dancing, art and handwriting. If sport is your thing then you will find something to suit you with Community Games. Some of the games offered are soccer,  basketball, badminton, hurling, football and athletics and many more individual and team sports.If anybody in the Moneystown Laragh Roundwood area  feel they can give a hand we would love to hear from them. Community Games caters for children from six to sixteen. Please contact any of the committee,  Aileen Leacy, Ann Marah, Terry Kavanagh, Theresa Cowman and Elizabeth Belton.


Set dancing in Kavanagh’s lounge every Thursday night with live music for the rest of this month and October with Michael and Brian. Session from 9pm until 11pm. Visitors to the area and beginners are always welcome. If you would like a quick lesson on the steps before the session begins just give Sheila a call on 087 2121522


Angel Healing takes place every Monday night at 7.30 in the Parish Centre, Roundwood Village. It is non-denominational. Come along, to a night of Meditation, Relaxation and Spiritual connection, . For more information contact Mary 087 9819420


Next whist is on Wednesday 10th January, 2015.


Second Hand Books now on sale in the Parish Hall. All proceeds go towards the Parish Hall Fund. Huge variety available. We will gratefully accept all donations of books to help our cause.


The new purpose built Parish Hall in Roundwood is now available for all social events, meetings, parties, christenings, workshops, training courses. These great facilities are now available. For more information contact us on 087-9627527 , 087-3932730 or


45 card game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8.45pm. Teas served. All welcome.


I would like to take this opportunity once again to wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas and healthy 2015.  Thank you to all who have contributed to the notes throughout 2014 and to Margaret Bolger for standing in for me when I was away.  Thank you, Mary Margaret


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