A Public Meeting is to be held at Roundwood Parish Hall on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at 8pm in relation to setting up a Community Text Alert Scheme in the Roundwood Area. Any persons interested in taking part or participating in this scheme is invited to attend. Gda Bernard Cloney will provide a presentation on the Text Alert Scheme and local Gardaí will also be in attendance. Text Alert is designed to facilitate immediate communication from An Garda Siochana to the public. An Garda Siochana will provide information on crime prevention, suspicious persons & vehicles by Text to a registered community contact. The community contact will in turn forward the information to all members of the Text Alert Group.


There will be a set dancing night in The Mill Room, Kilcoole on Friday 14th March at 9pm.  Music by Michael & Brian.  All are welcome. 


A story telling night will take place in Annamoe Centre on Friday the 14th March at 8.00pm sharp.  All are welcome. 


Anyone over 50 interested in joining The County Wicklow Get Vocal group starting Brockagh on 4th march from 11am 12.30pm. Various groups from around the country will rehearse and in June will get together to sing the songs.  For further information you can contact Molly at 086 3291256


Djouce Golf Club had two ladies representing The Club in Daily Mail/All Ireland Golf Competition in Blainroe this week – Margaret Bolger aka Duffner and Catherine Halligan – The Shark. We would like to congratulate them on their great effort and extremely good play on the day. Though they did not succeed in getting to the next level, we are very proud of them both, and wish them and the other teams good luck in their inter club matches which start 31st March. 


The starting date for ladies golf lessons which will be held at Djouce Golf Club is Tuesday April 1st2014. Lessons will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 3pm to 4pm and from 4pm to 5pm. There will be a max number of 12 ladies per group and the course will run for 4 weeks.  The course is suitable for all levels from beginners to advanced. Cost is €50 per person. For further details please contact Djouce Lady Captain Deirdre Carroll on 087 9118499. or on 086 8512238.


A reminder that the Active Retirement Lunch club will take place on Friday 21st March in Woods and Byrne, Roundwood.


John Flood will play in Moneystown Community Centre on Fri 14th March from 9.30pm till 12. Door prizes, teas, refreshments also available. Come along n enjoy a night of waltzing, jive etc. The Wicklow man will play on Friday 11th April and Tony Davitt will play on Friday 9th May


Angel Healing takes place every Monday night at 7.30 in the Parish Centre, RoundwoodVillage. It is non denominational. Come along to a night of spiritual connection, relaxation and meditation. For more information contact Mary 087 9819420


An exchange is planned for August this year with a group of individuals and families from Spezet’s Breton Band travelling to Roundwood. The group will have their own transport and intend to organise opportunities to play throughout their stay. A meeting regarding the Spezet Twinning will take place in Roundwood Old School on Tuesday the 18th of March at 8:30pm. If you are interested in hosting an adult band member or small family group please come along to the meeting. A group from Roundwood will travel to Spezet in 2015. Roundwood host families will be most welcome to travel to Spezet to sample the French hospitality in return. The twinning provides an excellent opportunity for students learning French to practise their oral language skills and experience French culture in a relaxed and family orientated atmosphere. Those who travelled to Spezet in the past have made lifelong friends there and continue to communicate after 20 years or more. Come along to the meeting for more information or email info@roundwood.ie.


The mile this year stretches from Roundwood Health Centre to the Derralossary Church Lane on the Annamoe Road. Well done to all the volunteers for their great work on the hedge cutting and litter picks. The next meeting will take place in Aras an Tochar on Wednesday 19th of March at 8pm.


A beginners computer course will start in Roundwood National School on Thursday 13th of March for 8 weeks. If you are interested in taking part or would like further information please call 086 8055040. The course costs €20 for those with a social welfare entitlement and €40 otherwise. This course is organised through the Roundwood & District Community Council with the support of Community Education Section of Kildare Wicklow Education & Training Board (formerly Wicklow VEC).


A flower arranging course will start in the Old School Roundwood on Tuesday 18th of March for 6 weeks. If you are interested in taking part or would like further information please call 086 8055040. The course costs €20 for those with a social welfare entitlement and €40 otherwise. This course is organised through the Roundwood & District Community Council with the support of Community Education Section of Kildare Wicklow Education & Training Board (formerly Wicklow VEC).


Taking 1st place for North/South on Monday 3rd March were Molly Byrne and Rachel Judd, Bridie Nolan and Catherine Halligan were 2nd and Catherine McGillycuddy and Nancy O’Brien were 3rd.  Victors for East/West were Gertie Fee and Brid Clancy, 2nd Phil Power and Monica Brady and 3rd Mary Pierce and Mary Murphy.


In the first competition in March Catherine McGillycuddy and Nancy O’Brien played their cards right for North/South, 2nd June Digby and Monica Brady 3rd Ger Lenihan and Paddy O’Brien.   1st for East/West were Noeleen Redmond and Maria Magee, 2nd Jim McNamara and Teresa Leahy and 3rd Margaret Byrne and Triona Woodroofe.


Well done to these young and talented athletes –  Jordan Brady, Darragh Fee, Oisin Cullen, Catherine and Roisin Ni Tuathail, Isabelle Ryle, Louis Oram, Sam and Zoe Herman, Ciaran Byrne, Rowan and Molly Hayes, Rebecca Molloy, Sean and Eve Leacy who all performed to the best of their ability last weekend at the Leinster Indoor Championships in Athlone. Our Club is proud of you all!! Congratulations to Eve and Rebecca who won Gold in the High Jump and Sean who won Silver in the High Jump. A big thank you to all coaches, helpers and parents who all helped in the preparation for this competition and all year round.  Don’t forget its back to track training on Wednesdays night, see you all there!!


There was no jackpot winner in last weeks draw.  The numbers drawn were 2, 24, 29 & 30. There were two match four winners, Byrne Family & Maura & Orla.  Next weeks jackpot will be €19,400.


The results of the whist is as follows:- Top Score: Tom McHugh; Top Gent: Kay Plunkett; Second Gent: Lucy Molloy, Top Lady: Maureen Gaffney; Second Lady: May Kenna; First Half: Monica Brady; Second Half: Patricia Byrne; Lowest Score: Mary Murphy & Longest Sitting: Jimmy Molloy.  Raffle prizes were won by Lucy Molloy, Richie Cullen, Mary Murphy, Kay Plunkett.  The next whist will be on Wednesday 19th March 2014.


Anne Sexton PilatesClass on Thursdays at 12 noon – Mobility and Posture for the Older Adult.  Call in and have a chat with Anne and try it out!  Also, Boxercise – new class on a Friday night at 8 pm.  €10 for adult, €6 for students and unwaged.


The Annual Mass of Remembrance for Parishioners and family members of Parishioners who died since March last year and whose funerals took place outside the Parish will take place on Saturday March 15th at 6.30 pm


The Cuidiu Humpty Dumpty Playgroup meets every Wednesday from 10 – 11.30 am in the Parish Hall.  All pre-school children are welcome.  Bring along your Parent or Minder & they can have tea and a chat while you play!


S.M.A. pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 24th May leaving Laragh at 7a.m, Roundwood at 7.30a.m. Bus, breakfast and dinner €50 per person.  All money to be paid before 1st May, 2014.  All enquiries to 0404 45276.


There will be two day trips, a tour of Semple Staduim and Holy cross Abbey on 3rd May leaving Roundwood at 8a.m. at a cost of €65 per person and a trip to SuirValley railway line between Waterford and Dungarven and Garden Bord Bia., The Arbortium which has lovely plants and shrubs which will take place on Saturday 5th July at a cost of €65 per person.  Tea, scones and evening meal and bus included in the price, leaving at 9a.m.  Contact 0404 45276 before 1st April.  A three night trip to Iceland going on 23rd October.  Total cost €599.  Deposit of €200 to be paid before 1st July.  All enquiries to 0404 45276


Set dancing is back in full swing in Kavanagh’s lounge every Thursday night with music this week by CDs and by the O’Kane family for the remainder of the month. Lessons before hand at 8.30pm with session from 9pm until 11pm. Love if you could join us on the dance floor for a night of fun and good exercise


45 Card game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8.45pm.Teas served. All are welcome.



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