Roundwood Notes ~ week of the 30th of September


Roundwood Variety Group will hold auditions/workshop for their upcoming Panto, Sleeping Beauty which will take place the end of January. Auditions will commence tonight, Wednesday the 2nd of October in the Old School Roundwood.  Times for the Auditions are as follows: Primary school going children from age 8+ to 6th class from 7pm until 8pm. Secondary school children, teenagers and adults at 8.15pm. Any queries contact the Variety Group phone on 086 2451829


Roundwood & District Community Council with the support of Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board are organising two digital camera courses starting in Roundwood Village in early October. There is beginners and advanced course. The cost will be €45 or €15 for those on reduced income. For further information please call 086 8055040



Calling all would be, could be and should be SET DANCERS. We have been plodding away at our weekly set dancing sessions every Thursday night in Kavanagh’s Lounge but we now need your help. Thanks to the loyal support of our musicians, we still have live music every night with the exception of one night per month. However due to fall in numbers, we cannot continue without your support. If you think you would like to try this we are giving lessons from 8.30pm before the session starts at 9pm so please feel free to join us. We do not charge extra for the lessons – the entry fee is €5 for almost 3 hours of dancing! Set Dancing is great from both a social and an exercise point of view – you’ll get a better work out than in a gym and you’ll meet lots of new people. Also it is worth noting that recent studies by an Italian doctor shows than Parkinson’s patients can benefit from set dancing! I personally find that even when I’m feeling poorly, a dance session will lift the spirits – so that can’t be a bad thing. This may be the final call for Set Dancing in Roundwood and it would be a great loss. It is one of the few set dance sessions in the county that still have live music for their weekly sessions. So come along and give it a go, what have you got to lose?


Eileen Patterson’s Irish conversation classes started on Tues (24th) last upstairs in the club.  Bhí sí an-sásta le gach éinne. Tús maith, leath na h-oibre ! There’s still room for plenty more to attend. If you’re starting from scratch or hoping to brush up for exams or helping with homework, Eileen will have a fáilte mór for you. Give it a try. Bain triail as.


Our 6.30pm mass on Saturday 5th October in St Laurence O’Toole Church will be a special Mass of Remembrance. This Mass is for parents and families of babies who died before birth, at birth or in infancy and those who died in early childhood, youth and young adulthood, either recently or in the past. We extend a very warm welcome to all parishioners and as in former years warmly welcome anybody from outside the parish who wishes to attend.


Autumn Art Classes begin on Friday 11th October from 10 am – 12 noon in Roundwood Parish Hall & Centre – Drawing and Painting. Beginners and improvers Welcome. Individual attention given. For more information contact Janet on 086 3042030


Roundwood District and Community Council will hold their next meeting in the Old School on Monday 14th October @ 8pm.   If you have any ideas on how to improve our community please come along and share your ideas with us, everyone welcome


An Art Exhibition will take place in Calary from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th October finishing with the Annual Harvest thanksgiving Service at 3pm on the Sunday. The Exhibition will open at 7.30pm on Friday 11th with music by Traditional Musicians. On Saturday 12th it will be open for viewing from 11am – 6pm when there will be country produce on sale. On Sunday 13th the viewing is from 12noon to 2.30pm and at 3pm all are welcome to the Harvest Thanksgiving service which will be followed by the usual Harvest Tea. Details of how to enter paintings in the Exhibition are available from Gay Nuttall – 2818112 or 086 0605268. Entries must be received by Friday 4th October to be included in the catalogue.


The results of the whist in aid of the Senior Citizens is as follows:- Top Score: Mary Cullen; Top Gent: Pat Cullen; Second Gent: Ann Pierce; Top Lady: Patricia Byrne; Second Lady: Mary Pierce; First Half: Kitty Kennedy; Second Half: Jimmy Molloy; Lowest Score: Ann Gaffney and Longest Sitting: Maureen Gaffney.  Raffle prizes were won by Maureen Gaffney, Ann Gaffney, Maura McHugh, Jimmy Molloy & Mary Pierce.  Next whist will be on 16th of October (not the 2nd of October as previously advertised).


Looking for something different to do on a Tuesday morning after you have dropped the children to school? Why not come and join us for an hour of Badminton in Aras An Tochar from 9.30am started back on Tuesday 1st October 2013. All are welcome including Total beginners – no need to go out and purchase a racket as there are a few available to try out.


Dates for your diary – next Friday 4th October at 7 pm, there will be a presentation to The Wicklow Hospice Foundation with proceeds raised from our summer BBQ. Everyone is very welcome to attend! Autumn training schedule: Fridays 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm at complex, for 6 year olds and up. Wednesdays 6.00 to 7.00 pm @ complex for 9 years old and up.  Sundays 10.00 to 10.45 at Green Gates – Dam on Newtown Road for all ages (except next Sunday 6th October)

Cross country:  Sunday 6th October: Athletics Wicklow XC Championships Even ages and Novice in Kilcoole at 11.00 am.  Club AGM: Our club AGM is planned for Thursday 7th November at 8pm at the Old School , Roundwood. More details to follow but stick it in your diaries!



Competition winners for North/South on Monday23rd September were Margaret Byrne and Gaye McGettigan, 2nd Nancy Brien and Gertie Fee and 3rd Mollie Byrne and Rachel Judd, whilst East/West winners were Brid Clancy and Catherine McGillycuddy, 2nd Kay Plunkett and Mary Pierce and 3rd Ger Lenihan and Rowena Brady.  All Bridge players please note Monster Bridge Competition on Sunday 6th October in Grand Hotel Wicklow starting at 3pm ( all grades welcome  )being run to raise funds for the development  of Wicklow Bridge Centre.    Contact Michael 087 2843669


Margaret Bolger ad Noeleen Redmond played their cards right taking 1st place for North/South on Friday 27th September Rachel Judd and Molly Byrne  were 2nd and Monica Brady and June Digby were 3rd, East/West victors were Theresa Leahy and Marian Davies, 2nd  Nancy O’Brien and  Catherine McGillycuddy and 3rd Paddy O’Brien and Jim McNamara.  Sunday 6th October Monster Bridge Competition been held in Grand Hotel in aid of development of Wicklow Bridge Centre (all grades welcome) starting at 3pm. Contact Michael 087 243669



There will be dancing in The Community Centre in Roundwood on October 18th music will be by The Wicklow Man and on 15th November music is by Tony Davitt. All are welcome.


Due to the huge amount of interest for the Rathdrum Vocational School (Rathdrum Tech) reunion, ALL students and teachers who attended R.V.S at any stage are welcome to come along to the reunion on October 5th, 2013 at 8PM at Lynham’s of Laragh as part of the Gathering 2013. Please contact any of the following for more information or to book tickets. Mary- 0872789773, Bernie- 0868309794 or Ann- 0861705238.Come along and enjoy a great night of nostalgia, music and craic!!


There was no winner of last week’s lotto. The numbers drawn were 1, 14, 24 & 28. There were three match three winners Peter Byrne, James O’Dea & Eddie. Next weeks jackpot will be €12,800.



RoundwoodAFCAcademy training every Saturday. All new players welcome Mondays 6-7 – under 9 & under 10, Wednesday 6-7pm – under 11, 6.30-8pm. Monday & Thursday – under 12, 7-8pm.Wednesday 8-9 under 13 Under 14 – TBC. Astro pitch available to rent €35 per hour Contact 086 3841027


The Roundwood & District Community Council is now registered to administer the Seniors Alert Scheme. The Scheme aims to encourage community support for vulnerable people in our communities, provides grant assistance towards the purchase and installation of monitored personal alarms to enable older persons to continue to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind. The funding for these alarms may be cut in the upcoming budget. So if you know someone who would benefit from one of these alarms or would like further information please contact Monica 086 8055040 or Betty 01 2818703


45 card game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8.45pm.Teas served. All are welcome.


Roundwood Home Producers Market continues on Sundays from 12 – 5pm. Come to enjoy our home baking, crafts, jams, marmalade, plants, etc. New members welcome.

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