The Roundwood Historical Society is delighted to announce that the first meeting of 2022 is ‘Enchanting Wicklow: how the artist Norah McGuinness became beguiled’. It will be in Roundwood Parish Hall on Tuesday 1st February at 8 pm. All welcome and masks are still essential!
Claire Chambers, the artist’s niece, will describe how Norah was drawn to Wicklow and immersed herself in everything Wicklow had to offer. This shows in her paintings, with a few skilful strokes and colour, captured the essence of Wicklow’s verve and life, whatever it was, nature, gardens, mining or grand houses. Life was for living.
Results of the draw held on Sunday 23rd January There was no jackpot winner. The numbers drawn were 4,6,16 & 23 . There was no jackpot winner. There were six match three winners. Jackie Kavanagh, Michelle, Lisa Quinn, Mary Nolan, Sophie Murphy and Thomas Healy. Next week’s jackpot will be €11,800.
Wicklow County Council Mobile Library will be in Roundwood Village on Thursday Jan 27th from 10am until 11.15am and also from 2.10pm until 4.30pm. Come along and join the library. It’s a free service and is a fantastic way to pick up any book that suits your reading interests.
Indoor Bowls has resumed in Annamoe Centre on Tuesday nights at 8pm. We are looking for new members to come along and enjoy the game. Bowls is social and a great way to meet new people. Covid rules are fully adhered to.
The Roundwood Whizzers are back walking every Wednesday leaving from outside Roundwood Parish Hall at 7pm. All fitness levels welcome to walk for up to one hour at your own pace on the footpaths under the street lights in the village. Bring a torch and a hi vis top if you have one.
The 2021 Roundwood & District Historical Journal is for sale in the following places. Roundwood : Post Office, Keeleys Hardware, Grants Butchers, Centra, Sugar Mountain Cafe & Roundwood Stores. Laragh: McCoys. Newtownmountkennedy: Fishers, Post Office & Eugene’s. Wicklow Town: Bridge St Books. Price €10.
Our centre is now open. Hospital transport is being provided as per usual. Counselling for cancer sufferers and their family is available. Reflexology, massage and other therapies are available also. If you would like any further information regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us on 086 1534011 or call into the office for a chat.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com