Roundwood & District News 6th of January



Roundwood Variety Group performance of the Robin Hood pantomime will take place in Brockagh Centre Laragh on the 31st of January to the 2nd of February. The talented cast includes almost 50 children and 20 adults/teenagers from.the area. Action, adventure, music, song, love and bags of laughter are the order of the day in this brand new and exciting Panto adventure. Tally ho, here comes Robin Hood.  For further information and to book tickets go to

A limited number of tickets may be available on the door for each performance


Fun Bingo will take place on in the Annamoe Centre on Sunday 19th January from 3pm.  Family members and friends are more than welcome to attend.  €5 per book and great raffle prizes.  Come along and enjoy


A reminder that the Active Retirement Lunch club will take place on Friday 24th January in The Coach House, Roundwood at 1.30.  Please let Molly at 0404 45407 or May at 0404 45178 know if you are planning to attend.


Friday 13th December was lucky for Catherine McGillycuddy & Triona Woodroofe who took 1st place for North/South, 2nd June Digby & Monica Brady and 3rd Kay Plunkett and John Loscher.  1st for East/west were Maria Magee & Jim McNamara, 2nd Liz Belton & Phil Kenna and 3rd Marion Davis & Teresa Leahy.

Liz Belton & Phil Kenna shared 1st place in the Winter League 3rd June Digby and joint 4th/5th Marion Davis and Teresa Leahy.  Congratulations to all who took part and Happy New Year to everyone.    Bridge resumes on Friday 10th January.


Monday 16th December saw Ger Lenihan & Margaret Bolger take 1st place for North/South in the final competition of 2019, 2nd Monica Brady & Phil Power and 3rd Gertie Fee and Brid Clancy.  Kay Plunkett and Marie Kavanagh were the winners for East/west, 2nd Paddy O Brien & Catherine McGillycuddy & 3rd John Loscher and Maria Magee.   Paddy O Brien took 1st place in this seasons league, 2nd Maria Magee, 3rd Phil Power, 4th Catherine McGillycuddy and 5th Nancy O Brien.  Congratulations to all and Happy New Year.  2020 bridge resumes on Monday 13th January.


Yoga classes will resume on Thursday 16th January 2020  in Roundwood Parish Centre  at 7:30p.m to 9:00p.m.  Class will include- Asana (physical exercises to stretch and strengthen body)   Pranayama ( 9 breathing exercises  to focus and calm the mind) Yoga Nidra  ( deep relaxation)  Meditation  (stillness )  Cost:- €10 euro per class with a commitment of euro 50 due on first night. Further details: Contact Anne Marie  0868367578


Badminton continues on Tuesday mornings from 9.30a.m.  All are welcome.


Sunshine Fitness will be starting ‘Baby and Me’, ‘Golden Oldies’ (for aged 65+) and ‘Curvy Whirlies ‘ (for plus size women) fitness classes in the parish hall from September 17th.  Please contact Caitríona on 0876035780 for more information.


Roundwood Whizzers Walking Group are back in action meeting at 7pm this Wednesday at the Coach House car park.  All welcome to walk at your own pace for approximately one hour.


Our weekly set dancing sessions continue in Kavanagh’s Lounge on Thursday nights.  All are always welcome – whether you have ever or never danced before  Session starts at 8.30 til 10.30 and cost is still only €5 for a good night of exercise.


The Roundwood Cancer Support Centre is now up and running and is open in the Parish Centre on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am until 1pm & they are currently looking for volunteers if you could spare some time in your week it would be greatly appreciated.  Please feel free to pop in for a chat we will be happy to help.  If anyone needs to make any enquiries outside these hours please telephone our confidential phone number 087 6062072


A 45 Card Game takes place every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at a new time of 8pm for the winter months Teas served. All are welcome


A pilgrimage To Medjugorje will take place on October 7th 2020 for seven days at a cost of €679.00 fully inclusive  There will be a discount of €100 if paid in full by December 13th otherwise €200.00 deposit secures booking.  This trip will be accompanied by a Spiritual Director  The accommodation is close to the Church. For more information and booking Contact Mary King on 087 2185067


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