Parish of St. Laurence O’Toole, Roundwood and Moneystown – in line with the latest Government guidelines, Mass will be celebrated in our Churches. There is morning Mass at 10 am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in Roundwood Church. And the weekend Masses are Saturday night 6 pm in Roundwood Church, 10 am Sunday morning in Moneystown, and 11.30 am Sunday morning in Roundwood. Please Note that under the current guidelines, numbers remain at a maximum of 50 people in attendance. Masks are mandatory. Social Distancing and good hand and respiratory hygiene must be adhered to.
Parish of St. Laurence O’Toole Roundwood & Moneystown: A Parish Newsletter listing mass times and Intentions is available weekly via email from the Parish Office. Please email roundwoodparish@gmail.com to be added to the mailing list.