Fun Bingo will take place on in the Annamoe Centre on Sunday 20th November from 3pm. Family members and friends are more than welcome to attend. €5 per book and great raffle prizes. Come along and enjoy
A reminder that the Active Retirement Lunch club will take place on Friday 25th November in The Coach House, Roundwood at 1.30. Please let Molly at 0404 45407or May at 0404 45178 know if you are interested in going.
Roundwood & District Community Council is holding a candle light walk on December 11th (more details to follow later) and are looking for hundreds of clean jam jars or something similar (with labels removed if possible please) to put Tea-light candles in. This is an excellent opportunity to recycle all your jars!!! If you have jars please contact Liz at 087 6736066 or Joanne at 087 9389894 to arrange collection
Next whist will be on Wednesday 9th November in The Parish Centre.
Handball Training for children takes place each Wednesday evening in the Annamoe Centre at 6.30pm for kids aged 7-9 years and at 7.15pmfor children aged 10-13 years. For further information contact Oliver Donelon on087 9040535 or Andrew Muldowney on 087 0510104
Learn traditional Irish music and dance with an award-winning Comhaltas branch (guitar, fiddle, flute, tin whistle and grúpa ceoil). Classes are held at 7 pm on Tuesday nights in St. Laurence O’Toole N.S., Roundwood – the first term is from September to January while the second term is from January to May. Performances, workshops and outings take place throughout the year. For more information phone 086-8269964or emailroundwoodcce@gmail.com.
Roundwood Men’s Shed is just starting out & are meeting every Tuesday from 10am ~ 12 noon at Pat Carr’s in Knockraheen. Why not drop in or call Arthur for directions or further information on 086 865 0588
Irish Dancing classes commenced in Roundwood Parish Centre on the 8th November on Tuesdays with Junior and Senior Infants from 2.10pm – 3.10p,, 1st – 6th class from 3.10pm – 4.10pm and Advanced beginners from 4.10pm – 5.10pm. On Wednesdays there is Advanced beginners from 7pm – 8pm and Adults (solo and ceili dancing) from 8p, – 9pm. Classes will start in Moneystown Nationals school in January 2017. Please contact to register interest. For further information you can contact Eimear on 085 71870926, Cian on 086 1293807 or Aoife on 085 7375833. All information onwww.irishdancingorg.com
The next Roundwood dance is with John Flood, on November 25th All are welcome.
Paddy O Brien and Ger Lenihan continued their winning streak by taking 1st place for North/South on Friday 4th November, 2nd Monica Brady and June Digby, 3rd Molly Byrne and Rachel Judd and 4th Nancy O Brien and Catherine McGillycuddy. 1st place foe East/West went to Rowena Brady and Judy Skates, 2nd Marian Davis and Teresa Leahy, 3rd Noeleen Redmond and Margaret Bolger, and 4th Liz Belton and Phil Kenna.
There was still no jackpot winner last week. The numbers drawn were 4, 18,23 & 30. There were six match three winners, Mick Rochford, Mary Walsh, Jillian Price, Mark Quinn, Mick Blackburn & Corey Byrne. Next weeks jackpot is €19,400
Another great turn out last Wednesday evening for Roundwood Get Walking. All welcome to join in walking at your own pace – meeting at Aras an Tochar at 7pm every Wednesday
Wednesday 2nd November at 9pm in The Mill Room Kilcoole. Music by Michael and Brian. Refreshments served
The Wicklow Man will play in Moneystown Community Centre on Friday 11 November from 9.30 pm till 12. Teas served, refreshments also available, door prizes. Come along and enjoy a night of waltzing, jive etc
Why not take 2 hours out of your week just for you and join us on a Monday evening at 7.30 in the Parish Hall, Roundwood. Here you will be part of a group who know that looking after their well being is so important. You will learn how to meditate and be still. To connect to your Angels and be supported by the wonderful people who have attended this group in Roundwood for 13 years. So if you would like more information you can contact me Mary Stacey on 0879819420 or just come along on the night
Car Boot Sale 13th November. Booking is essential for any queries or bookings call us on 087-9627527 or email us at theroundwoodparishhall@gmail.com
Is there an area near you which could do with a bit of a tidy up? The Tidy Towns group are appealing to residents throughout the Parish to adopt even a small area with a view to maintaining it – even for just one year. If you can identify a spot & have some ideas on how to improve it, please contact Terry on 087 2551579 or email info@roundwood.ie where necessary support will be given if required. Every little helps!
Are you interested in helping to set up a youth club for young people in the area? Youth leaders are required to enable a club to be formed. Free training will be provided in child protection and other related areas to all volunteers. For further information please email info@roundwood.ie
Rebecca Delamere will be teaching group Maths lessons on a weekly basis in the Parish Hall in Roundwood for secondary school students. Class sizes will be very small and there will be classes at different levels. These lessons provide support for students who may be struggling with Maths in school, support for students who are aiming for high grades and also prepare students for their Maths exams. To reserve a space of for further information, please contact Rebecca on 086 0650129 or rebeccadelameremathslessons@outlook.ie.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje on October 11th 2017 for one week Cost €669.00 to include Flights ( Aer Lingus) Insurance Half Board Accommodation in house beside Church. Transfers to and from Medjugorje. €100.00 off price if paid in full by December 9th. For more information /Booking Contact Mary King on 0872185067
A 45 Card Game takes place every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8.00pm. Teas served. All are welcome.
The Roundwood Hall is always available for all social events, meetings, children’s parties, christenings, workshops, training courses etc. These great facilities are now available. For more information contact us on087-9627527 , 087-3932730 or theroundwoodparishhall@gmail.com
Set Dancing continues every Thursday night in Kavanagh’s Lounge from 9pm til 11pm with music this month by the O’Kane family. Come along and join us for a night of good fun, great exercise and a very social night out. Also giving jiving lessons starting on Thurs at 8.30pmbefore our weekly set dancing session. All are welcome to these lessons.Newcomers always welcome and great way to meet some locals. Cost for night of dancing and entertainment is still only €5.